Pest Control

Pest Control

We request a professional exterminator to get rid of winged ant one a year.

Winged ant used to build their nest in the cardboard, this is the reason why we got easily having their attack.

To let our employee comfortably to work, we take care of them at various focus.

Women Worker Training 2nd

We have a great opportunity to have a women worker training by an instructor from Nittsu NEC Logistics on November 19th.

Our 30 women employee had the lecture which is about how much influential women prosper in the social.

Also, we visited Tokyo Custom Drug Detection Dog Training Centre to see their practice by women handlers.

Furthermore, Ms. Kakuta, one of our employee, made a speech about what ideal attitude is as women representation.

Women Worker Training 2nd
Casual-Office Wear Day

Casual-Office Wear Day

We are having a Casual-Office Wear Day for women once a month. Also, we endeavor to go home at the designed hour to let them spend own their beneficial time.

Casual outfits makes a relaxed atmosphere and are comfortable workforce during long day. It may mean that stress levels will be low too.

Wishing it makes their works efficient and creating a positive company culture for success of the company.

Welcome to Asahimori

Trainee from Viet Nam

The ceremony was held for 15 interns from Traenco International., JSC on February 1st 2018. We have over 30 trainee at total.

They will start working as soon as they got ready. We wish all of you could spend meaningful time with us

Welcome to Asahimori