Port of Kashima Minamihama
Dangerous Goods Warehouse

Business in Kashima District 1

Harbor Relevant Business

Harbor Relevant Business

Operating for on board cargo handling, loading/unloading cargo for ship and storage at Port of Kashima(South public wharf) which is the largest artificially excavated port in the world

Harbor shipping relevant business Kanto Transport

Bureau 2577th

Business in Kashima District 2

Steels Relevant Business

Operating for steel/metal processing, press processing and polish processing at Kitakaihin District/Takamatsu

District in Coastal industrial zone and undertaking for shipping business used by over head crane

Harbor Relevant Business

Business in Kashima District 3

Feeds Relevant Business

Harbor Relevant Business

Undertaking for process of feeds plant produce, shipments at feeds material silo and products shipping business at Kashima Coastal

Industrial Zone which is the largest feeds produce plants in Japan located

Business in Kashima District 4

Fertilizer Relevant Business

Undertaking for storage, shipment and bagging tied-up with Zen-Noh import fertilizer cooperation and carrying on large Tire excavator loader bulldozer Yumbo which owning us

Harbor Relevant Business

Business in Kashima District 5

Petrochemistry Relevant Business

Harbor Relevant Business

Operating for manufacturing process of petrochemical plant, cargo shipping business and domestic shipping business at Tobu district in Kashima Coastal Industrial Zone

Operating for dangerous goods warehouses at Minamihama district in Kamisu-City

Business in Kashima District 6

Shipping Relevant Business

Operating for shipping business and loaded on cargo truck for national wide that cargo shipped from each plant in Kashima Coastal Industrial Zone used by our owning forklift

Harbor Relevant Business

Port of Kashima Minamihama Dangerous Goods Warehouse


Propose for dangerous goods storage/export/packing/bonded/shipment in Kashima District and Narita District

We operating for Milk run transport that cargoes shipped from each location between hub station-Narita East Logistics Center/ Narita South Logistics Center/Narita Central Distribution Center and Port of Kashima Minamihama Dangerous Goods warehouse used Kendo 44th line of Narita, Komigawa and Port of Kashima.

Summery for Kashima-Port Minamihama Dangerous Goods Warehouse
Summery for Kashima-Port Minamihama Dangerous Goods Warehouse

About packing business and relevant business

We shipping for airline company with responsibility that complete perfect packing style using various packing materials and equipment route via Narita East Logistics Center about packing business and export packing.

It’s possible to accept when if some cargoes standby storage waiting for shipment due to, we have dangerous goods warehouses in Narita East Logistics Center.

Facility introduction1

Kashima Brunch Office and Port of Kashima Dangerous Goods warehouse NEW OPEN

There are extining with us chemical production and intermediate raw material such as dangerous goods and poisons changed appearances.

Today we impose compliance, we have various regulations such as the Fire Services Act concerned with dangerous goods storage, cargo handling and shipment.

It's intended to enhance social demands which dangerous goods storage, handling, shipping, secured safety, reliable system of responsibilities and environmental protection.

We started operate our new dangerous goods warehouses due to replay like that requests of compliance.

Kashima Brunch Office Kashima-Portdangerous goods warehouse NEW OPEN

About our Facility

Location: 1-23 Minamihama

Kamisu-City Ibaraki-Pre

Total area: 86283sq.ft.

Building purpose: dangerous goods warehouse

Building construction: steel RC structure

Building total area:10763sq.ft.×3

Construction schedule

First semester: November 2018

Second semester: April 2019

Third semester: May 2020

Kashima Brunch Office Kashima-Portdangerous goods warehouse NEW OPEN

Facility introduction2

Electronic backup equipment

In emergency, it will be activated electronic backup in dangerous goods warehouses and offices.

Functional performance: 2h/160L

Consume fuel: light oil

It’s possible to continuous operation if add to fuels

Electronic backup time: correspond to 5hours

We have slops for loading container and forklift for blast.


Electronic backup equipment

Announcement from Government Earthquake Research Committee that within 30 years occurred Nankai Trough Earthquake is 80%!!

Assumed seismic intensity and height of Tsunami

Central Disaster Management Council in government shows estimation of damage when occurred Nankai Trough Earthquake which is biggest science assumed.

According to this estimation of damage there is possibility 7 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale attack in part of Shizuoka-Pre to Miyazaki-Pre.

In addition, it is assumed strong shaking 6+ on the Japanese seismic intensity to 6-on the Japanese seismic intensity scale in wide area neighboring there.

Also, anticipating to come Tsunami over 10m along ocean pacific from east to west Japan.

Propose to strategy of Nankai Trough Earthquake and scattering facilities.

Preparing for Tsunami raise the bottom of warehouses even though it is anticipated within 0.3m~1.0m from Home page of Kamisu-City Ibaraki-Pre.

Researchers judged that ground in there is extremely low risk for liquefaction by their inspection.

Announcement from Government Earthquake Research Committee that within 30 years occurred Nankai Trough Earthquake is 80%!! Announcement from Government Earthquake Research Committee that within 30 years occurred Nankai Trough Earthquake is 80%!!

*Division of human resources and general affairs with 7 members working for accounting work and labor control.

*Kashima branch office with 4 members.

*Port of Kashima Minamihama dangerous goods warehouse with 38 members (included 10 international trainees).

*Main counterparty companies

  • Kamigumi Co., Ltd.
  • Japan Delivery Co., Ltd.
  • SUZUE Ibaraki Corporation.
  • Minatogumi Corporation
  • Kashima Transcity Corporation
  • Nisshin CORP.

Asahimori started from here..

Asahimori (originally named asahimori Inc.) established as a contract company for packing and transportation in1990. Head office has been moved to Kamisu City and changed the trade name to Asahimori Logistics Company Co., Ltd in 1993. It all started on the outsourced contract for cargo transporting operation from ZEN-NOH GREEN RESOURSES CORPORATION and Kamigumi Co., Ltd. At the same time, we got licenses for industrial waste collection transporting and port operator business at the Kashima Port. The range of business has been broadened.

Our warehouse damaged by the Tohoku Earthquake in 2011 and it caused inundation above a floor level. In 2014, although the headquarter moved to Narita, Kashima branch office, we continue taking tasks of accounting work and labor control.

The Port of Kashima Minamihama dangerous goods warehouse A wing has been built in 2018 with security system. Following year, the B wing and the C wing have been built.

Recently, we mainly used to operate domestic freight transport, however, we are aiming to be an AEO authorizes warehouse operator to import and export cargos abroad from Port of Kashima and international Narita Airport.

Each person at the Kashima branch office work hardly and we have a high evaluation from lots of counterparty companies.